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ATA lobbies for hair testing


The American Trucking Associations is pushing for legislation that would allow carriers to use hair samples to comply with federal drug screening for commerical drivers. “Every day, thousands of hair tests are performed worldwide within both the private and public sectors,” said ATA President Bill Graves in an Aug. 24 letter. Hair testing is effective for identifying drug users due to its long detection window and because it is difficult for donors to beat the test, Graves said. He noted that some trucking operations, such as ATA members Knight Transportation and Maverick Transportation, already use hair testing but that the cost of redundant mandatory urine tests discourages carriers from using it.

“ATA is aware of thousands of truck drivers who have tested positive for illegal drug use on hair tests and have obtained driving positions with other carriers because they were subsequently able to pass DOT-required urine tests,” Graves said. Based on data from four large carriers, 706 drivers in 2015 alone have failed pre-employment hair tests but passed urine tests. “If the labor organizations opposed to the legislation had their way, these individuals would be driving tractor-trailers,” added Graves.

To read Graves’ full letter, click here

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